Face mask policy

Mask-wearing is no longer compulsory in the building.

Except where you are suspected or confirmed as having Covid-19 or have any respiratory symptoms. In these circumstances, both you and the clinician you are seeing will be required to wear masks. If you are concerned in any way when seeing a clinician, please ask them to wear a mask and they will be happy to pop one on. If you would prefer to wait outside rather than in the waiting room for your appointment, please let the receptionist know you have arrived but are waiting outside.


If you attend the practice and refuse to wear a face-covering when you have or are suspected of having  Covid 19 or have respiratory symptoms, the clinician who is due to see you have the right to ask you to rearrange your appointment.
Where you cannot wear a face-covering (with the above symptoms) due to a valid exemption, we will need to make reasonable adjustments, including rearranging your appointment to a different room, time and/or with a different clinician.