These are undertaken mainly in the afternoons by our nursing team. All women aged 25-65 years should receive a letter inviting them to book an appointment for a smear test every 3-5 years. Women between the ages of 25-48 require a test every 3 years. Women aged 49 and over require a screening test every 5 years.
Cervical cancer can often be prevented. Cervical screening is not a test for diagnosing cervical cancer but to look for early warning signs of change. For many women the test results show that everything is fine. For 1 in 10 women, the test shows changes in cells that can be caused by many things. Most of these changes will not lead to cancer but may require further investigation.
We cannot perform this screening test whilst you are having your period – the best time to aim for is around 10-18 days after the first day of your period. Test results are sent directly to your home and can take up to 8 weeks. If you have not received your test result by this time please contact us.
More information is available here: